Company Profile

New Shopping Life is a global provider of daily products, in the form of clothing, shoes, and original bags for men and women, where we have been engaged in online sales services (E-commerce) since 2012.

We have served customers from America to other countries such as Europe, such as England, Spain, Ireland, Switzerland, Poland, and Russia. We have also sold our products in East Asian countries, such as PRC, Korea, and Japan. and in 2020 we have reached our customers in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

The following is the organizational structure of our company:
Executive Director
Michael Walsh
Mu Lan, Chen (陳木蘭)

Market observer
Mark O'Brien
Marisol Del'Olmo

website manager and IT
Luke Osterhagen
Ferdinand Ferrari

Website Designer
Luke Osterhagen

Customer Service Manager
Diana Gulden Aubert (Europe)
蘇永康 Daniel Su (East Asia)
Rizal Hutabarat (Southeast Asia)

About Us

 New Shopping Life is an e-commerce website based in Los Angeles, United States. 

Our company has been engaged in online trading shipping services since 2012, where many of our customers have been satisfied with the services and products we provide, both in terms of quality, price, and user security guarantees. 

We are very pleased with all our customer satisfaction that now we have reached the markets of West Europe, East Asia and Southeast Asia. 

 Don't hesitate to shop on our website, and we guarantee satisfaction, comfort and safety for our customers. Thank you. 

745 S Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90005, United States 
Phone: +1 213-389-8000

Contact Us

745 S Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90005, United States 

Phone: +1 213-389-8000
